Monday 28 November 2016

Hello And Welcome: About me and this blog

Hello And Welcome!

"How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here."- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland- Lewis Carroll


 I hope for this blog to be not only an imaginative magical den for all my thoughts, speculations and discussions on pagan, magical, spiritual subjects and an exploration of witchcraft, but inspiration, a helping hand or even an interesting rest stop for all of you along your own path ^_^

About Me:

I am Freya Rose, a witch, a pagan, a childlike mind stuck in an ageing body, with a fascination with writing, stories, reading, adventures, magic, unicorns, nature, animals, botanicals, music and anything that fulfills the soul.

The pantheon I pay homage to has deities from different cultures, for I believe as a nomadic species there is something to be gained from connecting to the dieties and cultures of different lands, I also mix a tiny bit of Abrahamic religions in, I believe in angels, demons, or perhaps negative energies, and evil and good. I respect everyone has different opinions and do not seek to persuade anyone so I hope the same respect can be reserved for me.

Feel free to browse my essays, thoughts, speculations, rituals, spells, guides and whatever weird and crazy articles I post whenever I get round to finishing them and hope they please you as much as they have me experiencing and writing them!

Blessings on your travels!  )O(



  1. Lovely introduction! Very pleased to meet you! I look forward to reading your posts and hope that you will read and comment on mine in turn. Keep that spellbound, earth loving, self determined, goddess vibe going! Namaste )O(

    1. Thank you Enki-Endymion! Pleased to meet you too ^_^ I look forward to our communications between blogs! I will keep that vibe going, and in turn hope the sun continues to empower your radiance and mars guide you in your power and may you continue to nurture the earth as she nurtures you and keep that Empowered loving God vibe going yourself! much love and Namaste! ^_^ )O( <3
      Freya Rose x

  2. Good stuff :) looking forward to seeing what wisdom you offer
