Sunday 4 December 2016

A Sagittarius Ritual

A Sagittarius Ritual

I have recently started another blog on wordpress too, simply because I am finding other blogs on that site a bit easier than blogspot at the moment so I will post similar articles on there, occasionally the same, if one takes more traffic and the other fails I will move everything over probably but for now, head over to the wordpress blog and check it out ^_^

I am a witch who pays particular attention to the movement of the stars and the celestial energies and dieties attributed with them. As witches we are interested in the organic mother earth around us, and we aim to live in tune with her rhythms, however I also believe by aligning ourselves to the movements of the stars and planets we are aligning ourselves with both the earthly and celestial movements. We can embody the maxim "As Above So Below", and live between here and the veil beyond. So with each passing of the Zodiac I like to do a little ceremony to the cheif of that astrological energy. Currently we are in the constellation of Sagittarius, the Centaur, a healing, focused, direct and purifying energy. Its ruling planet Jupiter and its element fire, Sagittarius is an active energy which can purge away the old and bring in the new, the sign that heralds the coming of Yule, the rebirth of the Oak King, the beginning of a new year, new opportunites, new chances, a chance to change and do away with what no longer serves us! Especially after the dark introspective summoning of the Scorpio passing.

This post is a brief breakdown of a Sagittarius ritual, in case somebody else needs any ideas. For some info on correspondence use or altar ideas visit: 


The Ritual

After preparing my altar I would protect my sacred space. For example use white sage to smudge, especially considering sage is a correspondending plant of sagittarius.

I would then open the circle and invite positive energies, these can be anything, Gods/Goddesses,  angels, nature spirits, and for this ritual the energies of the starsign Sagittarius to come and bless the sacred space and participate in the magic.

I would set my intentions, I decided to do a bit of healing, I also needed to set some goals and invoke more will power to stay focused, and ask for some mental clearing. (Sagittarius is also a sign of spirit and higher learning). So I set my goals down on a piece of paper. The list was in order of priority and then performed a little mantra:

Like a swift, blazing arrow,
I release my goals from its bow,
I will manifest the change I need to be.
Succeeding in the next year, so mote it be!

It's small and not really good, but it doesnt have to be! I then burnt the paper over a candle and placed in an offering bowl along with some cinnamon.

I then went out and stood under the stars, pictured the centaur galloping in the sky, carrying my intentions with him before placing my offering into the soil of my garden and going back inside.

I read out a dedicated poem, an ode to the centaur/Sagittarius.

I closed the ritual by thanking the energies involved, the Gods/Goddesses I had also called upon to witness the ritual and help manifest the change I am willing. Then finally cast my circle closed.

This is brief and there are my own personal flourishes I do within the ritual but these are personal to me, this is just meant as a skeleton to give you some ideas on how to perform your own.

The Zodiac, Sagittarius by KAGAYA,

Freya Rose


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