Tuesday 10 January 2017

Journeying with the Scarlet Goddess

The Lantern Light Down a Winding Road

What follows is a series of images I received whilst gazing at a chalice of water, perhaps it is simply a meditation, perhaps it was water scrying, perhaps I just have a vivid imagination but the images were so striking, colourful and vibrant they have imprinted on my mind's eye, and there they shall remain. I have been inspired to share these with you and hope you shall enjoy.

The way the light refracts into seven rays, red, orange, yellow, blue, green, indigo and violet, around the rim of the glass is the first thing to catch my attention and then I am drawn to the small stream of bubbles, rising in dancing glee, and popping at the surface. It's a calming sight, and one that adds a merry persona to the spirit of water sprites. 

Through a bubble I see a gold light distort and suddenly it is as if I am gazing at the sun and so the vision begins. The sun becomes partially obscured as if a bird has flew in front and then I am focused on a swan in flight, a beautiful, graceful bird of pure white. The sky starts to darken and the sun turns into a moon in the background and the swan becomes a deep scarlet red. My eyes blur as the wings continue to move in rhythmic motion and then the swan disperses into mist, becoming red bubbles itself. I watch as these bubbles drift on the wind across the starry sky lit by silver moonlight and slowly fall merrily towards earth. They float across a dark forest, the tips of the spiky trees glowing like silver cones, and my gaze focuses on a winding forest road breaking through the trees and a warm fiery light comes into view. The bubbles gather together around the fire light and form a woman cloaked in a red robe walking towards me holding her lantern outright. 

Her eyes are dark and piercing and her hair a deep red. She has a presence, the earth kisses her feet as she walks and the animals and stars stare in adoration, she has seen a thousand suns and is upon the breath of every spoken and unspoken word. She is beauty, grace and strength. Wild and majestic but graceful and regal. She is the blood of the moon and our cycles and the soul at the center of rubies. She has a twinkle in her eye and a smile teases across her lips as she holds her finger to her mouth as we stare at each other motioning for me to still, shush and pay attention.

She holds the lantern to me and the lantern explodes into the image of a phoenix, the phoenix calls, rises and creates an ouroborus around us, binding me to her before the flames engulf one another and a ring of ash settles upon the floor. The woman stays alight, the fires of enlightenment burning within her and casting a golden glow.

Before my eyes I see the burning rune Kenaz, the rune of "torch", enlightenment. As it clears and I try to focus on her suddenly her head splits into twelve lions, staring off into different directions and from her cloak three black wolves step out, one directly in front of, and one either side of her and a snake coils from her feet and winds around her, circling her, hissing as the lions roar. The wolves howl, their calls reaching the moon and I feel it reverberate into my bones, they chorus an ancient song, one I do not know the words of, as the Goddess' face returns and her fingers dip into the soil, they emerge soaked in blood and she reaches forward, drawing a ring upon, in the center of my forehead, as if I am being anointed, reborn, initiated into her mysteries. Her body ripples as I am suddenly staring at her reflection upon the black waters of a river. The wind carries ashes around me and they descend upon the waters as in the reflection the goddess turns and departs through a set of heavy doors, down into the underworld.

The vision ends.

I am sure there are many layers and interpretations to this vision, spiritual, historical, folklore and I know I have not learned or know them all yet but I do know this vision teaches me to step into my self worth and my own divinity, I have been gifted with time upon this earth and whilst I am here it is my duty to look after her for she is sacred. I know it reminds me the Goddess was worshiped in many ancient cultures and she is still active in this world today. It teaches me to not fear, but explore the darkness, both externally, and in my subconscious as that is where the true mysteries lie. It teaches me that cycles and mankind are sacred and that we should all live in harmony with nature. And furthermore she invites me to delve deeper, develop a more personal connection with her and continue to meditate, to learn the ways of the old.

If anyone has more interpretations they could offer or have some information on any of the images please feel free to comment, message or even go direct to my facebook page and contact me there! Or if you have had any of your own experiences I would love to hear so please share and comment! Thanks and blessings to you all!

Freya Rose

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