Friday 6 January 2017

The Calling of the Dark Goddess

Descent to the Stars Within: The Song of Hecate . Based on personal meditations.

She calls you in the dead of night, the rhythmic drumming of her words penetrate deep into the rivers of your veins. She flows within you, is behind your every thought, is the power behind your very breath and you cannot escape her. She lies within the dark of your cells, the blankets of your thoughts, within the very current which keeps your body living. She can be found in the darkest bowels of the earth, Gaia's womb, and her hands reach up from its chambers and yearn to hold you, to take you to her, to claim you, she beckons you within, to journey down the river Styx.

You fear her call, try to ignore her voice, you don't want to listen to her. You fear the unknown, the darkness, what may lie within, the absence of light, of knowing, of being, you are safe and secure in your ignorance, you don't want to listen because you know she is change. She will call you to see your truths, you know acknowledging her will bring a change that cannot be stopped, cannot be ignored, and is in fact inevitable. This change involves standing up and facing your true self, looking upon the person you are meant to be, meant to become, shredding self hate and embracing your true self, loving it, hugging it, for this self is a gift granted to you by the Goddess, she has made you that way, sculpted you that way and anything less is not authentic, anything else is shunning that birth right you hold within your hands. She makes you face up to excuses and your denial, she will show you reality, the life you are meant to lead, the courage you should carry in your footsteps and just how far you are falling short.

She will present you with courage, with knowledge, with the power to stand astride the earth and she will want you to embrace it! She wants you to be wild and free, to run with wolves, with the heartbeat of ocean waves and the sound of thunder in your steps. She wants you to turn your back on former knowledge, on people's opinions, on old paradigms, and reign with majesty like the royalty you are! You know the darkness beckons because within there is the power you are yet to grasp, the light of knowledge, of divinity. Within your heart is the sun and within your womb the moon and the Goddess is the gravity that guides your cosmic dance, for every person is a star, and you, child need to shine!

You will arise with blood on your hands and gold within your womb, you will arise with eyes so dark from gazing upon the blackest night, you will arise with wings and horns, the majesty of dark and light. You will arise divine, fit to walk side by side, hand in hand with She Who Is the Universe. A fine representative of the Goddess, like Kings and Queens of Old.

Follow the curls of the ivy, the grain of the stone, the winding root of the yew, follow the bubbles of the meandering stream, follow the hum into the damp cavern, follow the hornet into its nest, follow the wolf into its den. Follow your heart into the Goddess.

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